Thursday, March 28, 2013

Which Would You Rather Use?

A few months ago, I was talked into purchasing a "Blue Oil", that is advertised to help dissolve tension and ease tired muscles, with the included products Peppermint and Chamomile. It smells good, looks good, and is mildly effective in my experience. It wasn't until I got the magnifying glass out that I could read the ingredient list:

Then I discovered that DoTERRA developed an essential oil blend called "Deep Blue". The listed ingredients are:

Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysum, Osmanthus. That's it. No filler oils, no chemicals/pesticides, no blue dye needed. (for topical use only).

Yes, it costs more, but I use much, much less of it per application (usually ONE drop into 1/2 tsp of carrier oil, such as extra virgin coconut oil melted in my hand, will cover the tight muscles needing it). It smells amazing. And it works very well, in our experience.

Which would you rather use?

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