Wednesday, June 5, 2013

LOWER your Chemical Exposures - Shaving Cream

We've been having successes, and a couple of fails  ;-D, in my ongoing quest to lower the chemical exposure from everyday cleaning products, everyday health and beauty products, and pharmaceutical medicines in our family.  I want to start documenting the ones that WORK for our family.  Hopefully one or more help your family too!  :-)  And bonus... I can find the recipe again when I need it, LOL.

An  EASY change from store boughten SHAVING CREAM to one that is not that difficult to make, store, use... and is inexpensive.  We use certified, high quality, therapeutic level essential oils and blends in our "on the skin" products… to avoid both ineffective essential oils, and adulterations.

You will need to line up:

1/4 cup extra virgin Coconut Oil (we use Nutiva's Organic... excellent for cooking too).  This is a white solid at room temp
1/4 cup refined Shea Butter (yellow or white solid, organic or not).  We order this from Aroma Tools or Amazon.  Some local stores may carry it... make sure it's 100% shea butter.  You'll use this one in other recipes  ;-)
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil

Optional 100% pure, therapeutic essential oil (EO) additions:

6 drops of Rosemary EO plus 2-3 drops of Peppermint EO for a Rosemary-Mint cream
6 drops of Lavendar EO plus 2-3 drops of Peppermint EO for a Lavendar-Mint cream
up to 10 drops of any creative EO combination  :-)

Optional: a vitamin E capsule

And a 4oz glass jar if adding EO's.  Plastic is okay if not.

Using a glass measuring cup or corningware, melt the Shea Butter and Coconut at low heat until ALMOST melted.  Remove from heat and stir occasionally until completely melted.  Add in the olive oil and EO's.  Poke a hole in the vitamin E capsule and squeeze into the mixture.  Stir and refrigerate until hard.

Remove from frig and pop out into a small mixing bowl.  Wait 5 minutes or so, blend, then whip.  Scrape the whipped mixture into your storage jar, label, and store in a cool, dark place where you shave.  DONE!  Clean up beaters and all pans with a paper towel before washing them... it's easier.

This small amount will actually go a long ways!  The razor will stay fine if soaked in a bit of hot water right after use, before drying off.  Let me know how it works for you.  :-)

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