The following ideas all apply to certified, high quality essential oils ONLY. I only trust and have extensive experience with one company whose name I can no longer post on blogs (FDA rules), so just email me at hvnly atsymbol montana period com for that info. *
To Cleanse the Air and Exposed Surfaces:
Diffuse a Protective Blend off essential oils, and/or place several drops in a glass spray bottle of water, shake often, and spray both the air and surfaces.
To Keep Hands Clean:
Either use a Protective Blend Hand Wash in foaming soap pump dispensers at every sink, or make your own!
Protective Hand Wash Recipe:
8oz foaming hand pump bottle
3 Tbsp Liquid Castille Soap, unscented
3-4 drops Protective Blend Essential Oils
Place the soap in the bottle, and fill to within 1.5" of the top of the bottle with water (so the level is just below where the foaming hand pump mechanism will sit). Add in the essential oil blend. Put the lid on and gently shake. Done! :-)
Diffuse a Respiratory Blend of essential oils. Or an alternative would be Lime mixed with Eucalyptus in a 2:1 ratio.
And for an even more aggressive approach, try this steaming essential oils recipe:
Line up:
Kleenexes ;-)
Lemon essential oil
Eucalyptus essential oil
Peppermint essential oil
Oregano essential oil
Put an inch or so of water in the bottom of a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Quickly add in 2 drops each of Lemon and Eucalyptus, and 1 drop each of Peppermint and Oregano. CLOSE YOUR EYES and lean over the pan right away and breathe in and out of your mouth and nose, alternating. The essential oils will volatilize within moments… so breathe in the steam at your preferred distance for as long as you wish.
To Sooth the Throat:
Respiratory Throat Drops**… will help maintain clear airways as well.
Protective Throat Drops**… feature the immune supporting Protective Blend, while also soothing dry, scratchy throats
** you can find these premade for you, or you can google honey drops and make your own… adding in essential oils at the end of a recipe.
Raw Honey!… just a dab sucked off a spoon at a time, or placed in some hot tea to drink
Warm salt water gargle
To Relieve Internal Overheating:
Try a drop of Peppermint essential oil on a cold water compress, or in a foot bath.
Extra Immune Boosting helps for viral attacks: Elderberry extract, vitamin C, chicken noodle soup ;-)
To Promote a Healthy Immune System Response (these are NOT for everyday use; only as needed and for up to 2-3 days past the need is recommended):
Ingest or pop and apply to the bottoms of the feet topically (and on the sides of the throat if issues there) a Protective Blend "plus" caplet. (I RECOMMEND HAVING THESE CAPLETS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. Seriously. They travel well, store well, and are super fast to use in a pinch).
And/or make your own rollerball recipe:
10 ml rollerball
20 drops Lemon essential oil
10 drops Oregano essential oil
15 drops Protective blend essential oils
15 drops Tea Tree essential oil
10 drops Frankincense essential oil (optional)
Fill the rollerball with one INCH of FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil; approximately 1 tsp)
(for even more power, add in one drop of Melissa and one drop of Black Pepper to the roller)
Fill the rollerball all the way with FCO is more dilution is desired.
Gently shake and apply a swipe to each side of the neck, and to the bottoms of each foot… once every 2-4 hours in an acute situation until improvement is seen. And then 2-3 times per day, continuing for another 2 days post need.
When a defensive response is needed for others in the family, 2-3 times per day is usually effective.
- *All statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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